Controversy Erupts During Duke University Commencement

During Duke University’s commencement ceremony, students staged a walkout upon Jerry Seinfeld’s introduction as the speaker. The protest stemmed from Seinfeld’s public support for Israel, marking the latest in a series of similar disruptions across college campuses.

YouTube/ The Guardian

As the students exited, they chanted “Free, free Palestine,” while some other graduates appeared to mock them. The incident sparked a flurry of online commentary, with some suggesting the protest was motivated by antisemitism, pointing to Seinfeld’s Jewish identity.

Former U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger criticized the walkout, implying it was antisemitic, while Democratic Representative Daniel Goldman defended Seinfeld, emphasizing that his Jewish heritage shouldn’t conflate with political stances on Israel.

David Swanson / Reuters

Organizers of the walkout clarified that their protest was against Seinfeld’s vocal support of Israel rather than his religion. They called on Duke University to disclose its investments related to Israel and consider divestment from associated companies, also advocating for peace amidst ongoing conflicts.

Despite the disruption, Seinfeld received an honorary degree and delivered his speech without major interruption. Duke University acknowledged the protest, affirming the rights of peaceful expression while respecting the celebratory nature of the graduation.

“We’re excited and delighted for the Class of 2024 and their families. We understand the depth of feeling in our community, and as we have all year, we respect the right of everyone at Duke to express their views peacefully,” stated Duke spokesperson Frank Tramble.



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